Immigrant Student Resource Center
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by Ashley Prado

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The immigrant student resource center

Who we are

We are an organization formed by enthusiastic students that are looking to provide support and guidance to both parents and students during their High School years in order to help them reach their academic and personal goals We understand how difficult can it be to adapt to a new culture and a whole different educational system However we are here to help you throughout each step
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The immigrant student resource center

Quiénes somos

Somos una organización que busca proveer a los estudiantes y a los padres con apoyo y guía durante su jornada de High School Nuestra meta es que los alumnos puedan alcanzar su potencial tanto académico como personal Entendemos lo difícil que puede ser emigrar y adaptarse a una nueva cultura y a un nuevo sistema educativo Sin embargo estamos aqui para ayudar y brindarte todo nuestro apoyo
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What We Offer

We are here to help!

Please select one of the following options to learn how we are helping students reach their academic potential!

Woman Working in the Office

Lo que ofrecemos

Estamos aquí para ayudar,

Por favor seleccione una de las siguientes opciones para descubrir como estamos ayudando a los estudiantes a alcanzar su potencial

Woman Working in the Office
Woman Working in the Office

Frequently asked questions

Business People Discussing About Documents

Learn from well-known experts the basic structure of the educational system

A Group of People Discussing in an Office

Learn how does it work, how to manage it and how to use it correctly

Shallow Focus of Woman Working in a Call Center

Learn about all the different classes that you can take

Preguntas Frecuentes

Business People Discussing About Documents

Aprende la estructura básica del sistema educativo.

A Group of People Discussing in an Office

Aprende como ingresar a tu portal de estudiante

Shallow Focus of Woman Working in a Call Center

Selección de clases y tomar exámenes

Aprende sobre todas las clases que puedes tomar

Colleagues Working Together in Office

The IMmigrant Student Resouirce Center

Make an appointment

If you have any questions and would like to talk with one of our amazing students, they are willing to help and answer all your questions.

Colleagues Working Together in Office

The IMmigrant Student Resouirce Center

Programe una


Si tienes alguna pregunta y te gustaría hablar con uno de nuestros increíbles estudiantes, ellos están dispuestos a ayudar y a responder cualquier duda.

Gradient Shape Logo Element

Student Portal

Guide por parents and students

Gradient Shape Logo Element

Portal del estudiante

Guia para padres y estudiantes

Wide recolorable gradient
Abstract Shape Art Deco Logo Icon Desing

The immigrant student Resource center


The Student Portal will contain all your student information and all the portals that you will use during the school year!

Orange Blur Circle Illustration

Get it on the

App Store

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Google Play

Wide recolorable gradient
Abstract Shape Art Deco Logo Icon Desing

The immigrant student Resource center


El portal del estudiante contiene toda tu informacion de estudiante y todas las plataformas que usaras durante el año académico.

Descarga la aplicación

Ingresa a la página web

Orange Blur Circle Illustration

Get it on the

App Store

Get it on

Google Play

Chemical Warning Sign
Arrow Shape

Your ID will be giving to you when you enroll to a Miami Dade County school

Each student will be given an unique ID number

Chemical Warning Sign
Arrow Shape

Tu ID se te asignará cuando te registres en una escuela de Miami Dade County

Cda estudiante tendrá un número de ID único

Your password will be

your month of birth/your day of birth/your year of birth and your two initials in lowercase

Arrow Shape
Example I was born on November 22th 2004 and my name is Ashley Prado Therefore my password is 112204ap


Welcome to your student portal!


¡Bienvenido a tu portal del estudiante!

Video educativo

Woman Working in the Office

Class Selection and Testing

Here we will explain all the different classes that are available to you! You will learn what is the difference between taking regular, honors, Cambridge or AP classes.

Similarly, you will learn about the SAT, ACT,EOC, FSA, among others tests that you should take. You will find resources that can help you study and excel in all your upcoming evaluations!

Woman Working in the Office

Selección de clases y tomar exámenes

Acá vamos a explicar todas las diferentes clases que están disponibles para ti.

Aprenderás la diferencia entre tomar clases regulares, de honores, Cambridge o AP. También, aprenderás sobre el SAT, ACT, EOC, FSA y otros exámenes que debes tomar. Acá hay recursos que pueden ayudarte a prepararte para estas pruebas y aprobar todas tus evaluciones.

Leer más

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Ronald W. Reagan Doral Senior High

Cambridge Advanced International Certificate of Education

Group of College Students Studying at the Library

We are here to help!

Contact us


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Group of College Students Studying at the Library

Estamos aquí para ayudar.



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